The fusion between art, engineering and understanding of human needs is what initially brought us to design. Twenty years of experience allow us to understand the position of different parties: from designers to engineers, machine operators to marketing managers, CEOs to the end user, addressing each need and providing support to the client, while sharing these demands amongst the team in the creative process. We strive for clarity in communication and make sure the expectations of the client are met, if not exceeded.
Striving to create the right solutions, we are always in search of innovative and moving ideas the kinds which then form the basis for every successful product or service. We analyse with an open mind the area we are dealing with, be it the interior of a wide body aircraft or the logo for a new brand, and consider a wide range of options. Cross-pollination is a principle we believe in.
The keen observation of the user scenario and the identification of innovation opportunities arising from critical issues coupled with attention to detail is what characterises our design process.
We enjoy putting ourselves in a ‘learner’ position, whether visiting a new country or teaching in front of a class. The inspiring exchange generated in this process is what fuels our passion for people, diversity and maintaining an open mind.
Here below is a non-exhaustive list of services we provide:
Market research & analysis
Scenario generation & focus group
User experience analysis
Strategic thinking
Concept ideation & development
Sketching, 3D modelling, rendering
CMF design & management
Brand definition & implementation
Project management, planning, costs evaluation
Business development
Vendors management.
We believe in being connected to the local community in a mutually rewarding exchange.
We ask how can an idea generate win-win situations for the multiple stakeholders involved, as well as for the environment.
We invest in time to help create a better environment, we engage in volunteering work both on a long and a short term basis (Mint, Brain Tumour Society Singapore)
Supporting the education of new generations is vital to us as a way to foster professionalism and contribute to the creation of a healthy society. The National University of Singapore (Industrial Design Division) has received support via regular teaching. We take part in workshops in design schools and support individual students seeking mentorship for projects and graduation thesis work.
We dedicate time to projects allowing us to experience other fields of design: private home interiors, packaging, fashion and jewellery. While mostly dealing with industrial products, designing home interiors or a unique piece of jewellery, allow us to cater more closely to the specific needs of the individual, aiming at full client satisfaction.